Youth Small Groups
If you’re a young person at OPC aged between Y7 and Y13 then this is for you! We meet each week in homes as two small groups – one for Y7s-Y9s and one for Y10s-Y13s.
You can expect food and good times while we grow in our faith together as we open up the Bible – hope you can come!
If you’d like to get involved in a Youth Small Group, have any questions, or would like to chat anything through, please get in touch with our Minister for Children, Youth & Families, Anna De Castro, by visiting our Contact page.
Youth Extra
Once a month, our youth gather for a jacket potato tea, games and to think through Christian living at Youth Extra!
Held on the 1st Sunday on the month, 6:00-7:30pm in the Parish Centre, for any youth aged between Y7 and Y13.
To find out more, please contact our Minister for Children, Youth & Families, Anna De Castro, by visiting our Contact page.