All are welcome at OPC
Hi! If you’re new to OPC or thinking about whether to get involved, we’d love to help you. Watch the video here and if you’d like to give us your details, just fill in the Connect Form below and one of us will be in touch very soon.
Alternatively, drop us a message through the contact page or join us on Sundays.
Join us for lunch!
We hold a Newcomers Lunch every half term, on a Sunday after our morning church service. It’s held at the Brooks house and it’s a chance to eat, hang out and get to know some people at OPC. If you’ve joined OPC in recent months (or are thinking about doing so) and haven’t been to a Newcomers Lunch before, this is for you! Children are very welcome.
Our next lunch is on Sunday 2nd March. To sign up (so we can cater for you) click the ‘Book lunch’ button. Sign ups close on the Thursday before the lunch.
Any questions, send a ‘General Enquiry’ through our Contact page.