In a Church of England church there’s a particular governance structure that it can be helpful to understand. OPC is a registered charity and part of the family of Church of England churches that make up the Diocese of Sheffield. We share a well established model of safeguarding and governance which unites church and charity law to ensure proper oversight and transparency for all our ministry and mission. When functioning well, it provides an effective and accountable system of church leadership.
Our PCC & Wardens
To download this booklet, click here.
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is an important part of the governance of OPC.
Reports – In advance of the APCM at set of annual reports will be uploaded to this page. These reports provide an account of the last year, an update on the finances of the church and allow the church family to prepare comments or questions for the annual meeting. In conjunction with the APCM, these reports are a key part of providing a high degree of transparency and accountability with respect to the church leadership.
Electoral Roll – To participate fully and vote at the APCM you have to be on the Electoral Roll (formal church membership list). If you’re not yet on the electoral roll, you can read about that and sign up to it here.
Standing for Election – If you’d like to consider standing as either a PCC member or a Churchwarden, thank you for your willingness to serve! Please first read the booklet above. Nomination forms for each role can be downloaded below (paper copies are available at the back of the Parish Church).
Nomination Forms – Click here to download a PCC nomination form, and click here for a Churchwarden nomination form.