Exploring Christianity

If you'd like to know more about what Christianity is all about, you're in the right place.

We believe the message of Christianity is the best news in the world and that it’s relevant to everyone.  It’s simple, it’s beautiful, it’s about God and his love for us, it’s about a great rescue and a man called Jesus.  It’s a message that has changed our lives and binds us together as a church community.  We would love to share this good news with you!


Upcoming courses

Each term we run a course for anyone wanting to explore the Christian faith.  These are free and friendly opportunities to ask questions and find out more.  Please check back soon for details of our course in the Summer Term.

In the meantime, please check out the resources below…

Join our 321 Course

The 321 course is an opportunity to discover life according to Jesus. Over four Sunday afternoons we’ll look at Jesus’ vision for life through interactive videos that help us better understand God, the world and ourselves.

Come and engage in thoughtful conversation as part of a small group, hosted in a friendly environment with delicious cakes and hot drinks provided.

2:30-4:00pm on 21st & 28th April and 12th & 19th May in the Parish Centre.

Childcare provision is available for children under 12.

Click the icon below to view more information, watch the trailer and book your place.

If you have any questions, please get in contact with Chris Tufnell. 

Join our Christianity Explored Course

Christianity Explored is a 7–week course for anyone who’d like to look into what Christianity’s all about or just have a refresher.  It’s a great place to ask your questions and you can feel free to contribute as much or as little as you’d like.

We’ll begin each evening with a hot meal together, before watching a short film and having discussion in groups.  It’s free, friendly and we’d love for you to join us!

  • Wednesdays from 15th Jan – 5th Mar 2025 at 7:15pm (with a half–term break on 19th Feb).
  • Meeting in The Parish Centre, Church Street, Oughtibridge.

If you have any questions before signing up, please get in contact with Chris Tufnell. 

Join our Encounters Course

Encounters is an informal opportunity to look at the life-changing meetings people had with Jesus.

Over 7 evenings we’ll consider who Jesus really was, what he came to do and what relevance he has to us today.

Each session will include a hot meal, discussion in groups and a talk from one of the Biblical records of an encounter with Jesus.

It’s free, friendly and you would be welcome to join us, whatever you believe.

  • Thursdays from 10th Oct – 28th Nov 2024 at 7:30pm (with a half term break on 31st Oct).
  • Meeting in the Parish Centre, Church Street, Oughtibridge.

Come on a course – We regularly run courses for people who’d like to explore Christianity.  They’re informal, friendly and you can ask anything you like.  Oh, and it’s free!  If you’d like us to let you know the dates of the next course, pop your details in the form and we’ll be in touch.

Get in touch – We’d love to arrange to meet up and have a chat in person, whenever suits you.  Drop us a message through the contact page, let us know a bit about yourself and we’ll work something out.

Join us one Sunday – If you want to know what Christianity’s all about, there’s really no better way that to join us for one of our services on a Sunday.  It’s a chance to ‘look in’ and see what really makes us tick.  You don’t need to have been to church before, or to know ‘what to do’.  Just come, be yourself and you’ll be very welcome!  You can find out all about what we do on Sundays here.

Watch this – If you just can’t wait, why not watch this short video that gives a quick intro to what Christianity is all about?