Our Purpose
We exist to glorify God by knowing him better, loving one another, serving our community and sharing the message of Jesus everywhere we go.
Our Values
Our values describe how we do things. They’re the principles that guide our decisions, priorities and the culture we look to support and foster. We seek to be a church that is:
Jesus Christ and the good news about him are to be the focus and centre of our church family life and everything we do.
Click here to listen to our talk on being Jesus-Centred.
Individually and collectively, we seek to be taught, led and shaped by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, believing it to be His inspired word and supremely authoritative in all matters of life and faith.
Click here to listen to our talk on being Bible-Based.
We want to be committed to and expectant in prayer, as an expression of our dependence on God and our faith in his power and goodness.
Click here to listen to our talk on being Prayerful.
Every Christian is called to take personal responsibility for pursuing growth in faith and holiness, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Equally, God has put us in a church family and so we’re each to ask “who’s discipling me and who am I discipling?”
Click here to listen to our talk on Pursuing Personal Growth.
We are to see ourselves as a spiritual family, with all the joys and responsibilities that brings as we love one another, share our lives and support each other in every season.
Click here to listen to our talk on being A Caring Church Family.
We seek to love those who are not part of our church family by creating opportunities for people to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus, in a way that is welcoming and accessible to all. Alongside this, we are called to display God’s love through friendship and acts of service.
Click here to listen to our talk about being Outward-Looking.
In response to the extravagant generosity of God towards us, we seek to be generous-hearted in giving of our time, energy and finances.
Click here to listen to our talk about being Generous.
Trusting that God has given us each opportunities and gifts to serve the church, we look to use and develop them and encourage each other to do so. We believe this is for our good as well as for God’s glory.
Click here to listen to our talk about Enabling Everyone To Serve.
In all our leadership practices, we pursue transparency and rigorous accountability to create an environment in which unity and trust can flourish.
Click here to listen to our talk about being Transparent and Accountable.